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5 Ways to Restart an Exercise Routine

5 ways to restart an exercise routine

We've all done it. Fallen off the exercise wagon and then, MAN, if it isn't hard to get back on! But (re)starting is the hardest part. Here are 5 ways to restart an exercise routine:

1. Choose an exercise that interests you. Exercise can be fun, believe it or not! Think outside the box. Come up with an activity you're attracted to and start there. Way easier than going to the gym and walking around aimlessly.

2. Take small steps. You don't have to train for a marathon if you haven't run in a long time. A 5, 10, or 15-min workout can be the catalyst needed for long-term habit change.

3. Incentivize yourself. Some people need to sign up (and pay) for a class in order to actually exercise. Others find rewards in knowing they can grab a coffee from the cute shop next door to their gym. Whatever works for you, use it to your advantage.

4. Find a buddy. There is nothing better than a little accountability. And if you have a friend that is also interested in exercising, ask if you can tackle it together!

5. Give yourself grace. Restarting doesn't mean perfecting a routine. If you can't always exercise or fall back off the wagon now and again, know that when you're ready, you can hop back on.


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